Alphabetical Flags & Meanings

Alphabetical Flags

Flag Naval Meaning International Meaning
A Affirmative I’ve a diver down keep well clear at slow speed
B Gunnery practices, Fueling or transferring explosive or fuel I’m taking, discharging, carrying dangerous cargo
C Air crafts are to land Yes, affirmative
D Delay execution of my signal Keep well clear of me; I’m maneuvering with difficulty
E Meal break I’m altering my course to STBD
F Flight operations I’m disabled; communicate with me
G Guide flag I require a pilot
H --- I’ve pilot on-board
I Going alongside I’m altering my course to port
J I’ve a semaphore message to transmit I’m on fire & I‘ve a dangerous cargo on-board. Keep well clear of me
K Helicopter operations I wish to communicate with you
L Taut wire measuring gears You should stop your vessel instantly
M Medical duty ship, stretcher patient and mine laying My vessel is stopped and making no way        through the water
N Your movement not understood Negative
O Man overboard Man overboard
P General recall
At harbor – All personnel should report onboard as vessel is about to proceed at sea

At sea – Used as a sound signal to mean I require a pilot
Q Boat recall My vessel is healthy and request pratique
R Replenishing or transferring alongside method, Fueling astern method, Mine sweeping ---
S Drill signal I’m operating stern propulsion
T Time indicator Keep well clear of me, I’m engaged in pair trawling
U Anchoring, mooring or weighing You are running into danger
V Ship is open for visitors I require assistance
W Information addressees I require medical assistance
X Exercise Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals
Y I’ve a semaphore message to transmit I’m on fire & I‘ve a dangerous cargo on-board. Keep well clear of me
Z Gun control I require a tug

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