Importance of Learning History


    History is the key to the future. If we imagine that the future is next to a door you have to open the door with a key before step forward the future. This famous saying says that key is history. This shows the importance of studying history.

    The origin of the word history is from Greek word ‘historia’ which has the meaning of inquiry or knowledge acquired by investigation. So, the meaning of history is the study of the past.

    A group of people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. They cannot exist. If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. It’s very much similar to a leaf that doesn't know it is part of the tree. A generation which ignores history has no past and no future.

    Herodotus has been called the “father of history.” But in some sources, he is mentioned as father of lies as well. He is a Greek author who produced first narrative history. His accounts remain the leading source of original historical information not only for Greece between 550 and 479 B.C. but also for much of Western, Asia and Egypt at that time.

    By learning history, we can learn how people lived in past, their culture, ways they found solutions for problems and many more. History tells us about challenges of past and how people faced them. By analyzing history, we can have solutions for future challenges well in advance.

    Apart from that by knowing the history of our culture, the prosperity we had in past and the technical knowledge we had, helps us to increase the patriotism toward our county.

    As well as history is very important to the development of both a national and an individual sense of identity. History allows us to make more informed choices about the future and to hold politicians and policymakers to account.

    Finally, I would like to wind up with this quote by Martin Luther King, “We are not makers of history. We are made by history”

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