Smoking in Public Should be Illegal


Smoking in public

    Smoking can be simply identified as inhaling the fumes of burning plant materials like tobacco, marijuana and hashish. Tobacco is the most used plan material for smoking. Tobacco is smoked in cigarette, cigar and pipes. In those methods cigarette smoking can be widely observed.

    Smoking in public is an action of smoking any kind of method to inhale burning fumes of plant materials in public places, public transport or in a public building. To become clearer, it can be identified as smoking in a place or area which is not a private property. In addition to that smoking in public can be identified as a major way of air pollution.  

    Smoking is a bad habit because it causes lung cancers, heart diseases, diabetes, chronic bronchitis and lung diseases as well. Smoking kills men. Unfortunately, it increases the risk of getting tuberculosis, eye diseases and malfunctioning of immune system.

    There are two types of smoking namely active smoking and passive smoking or second-hand smoking. Active smoking is inhaling burning on its own and passive smoking is inhaling the exhales of an active smoker. Passive smoking occurs as result of public smoking.

    Both active and passive smoking have health issues, but passive smoking or second-hand smoking has more risk to health for both smokers and non-smokers. For non-smokers second-hand smoking is an unpleasant experience as well as passive smoking puts them at higher risk of smoking-related diseases. Finally, they get smoking related diseases even without smoking. This is quite unfair situation, and this emphasize the requirement of banning or making it illegal to smoke in pubic.

    We cannot ban smoking, but we can ban smoking in public. Laws should be enacted, and punishments should be introduced for public smokers. Introducing smoking booths would be smart solution for public smoking. Smokers must smoke in that booth situated in public places and their exhale smoke will be filtered by booth before releasing to environment. Everyone should have the right to avoid second-hand smoking, to ensure that smoking in public should be banned.

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