Food Habits and Next Generation Health Care

    Food habits and the healthcare is a timely important topic because overweight and obesity have increased rapidly. As responsible citizens we should very concern about this matter. overweight and obesity problems are significantly linked to unhealthy dietary patterns and physical inactivity, irregular food habits and they cause for several diseases.

    The BMI, Body mass index is the basic value which we use to measure the body fat based on height and weight. We know some people wants to put much effort to maintain their BMI but others, they always remain in the green range. So, it depends on the internal metabolism of each individual. However to become healthy and physically active we should maintain over BMI in 17- 25 green range.

    During my speech I would like to speck about, what are the short comes in the food habits and the persisting situation regarding the next generation healthcare. Food habits are the food choices preferred by persons in their daily life. They differ from person to person. A healthy dietary habit helps an individual to stay fit and well throughout his life.

    Food and nutrition are the way that we get fuel, providing energy for our bodies. We need to replace nutrients in our bodies with a new supply every day. Water is an important component of nutrition. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are the main nutrition factors which include in foods.

    Fast Food producer’s majority of customers are small children and the teenagers. There are many reasons causes for that. They can grab the attraction by the television commercial and other advertising means. There is concern that television advertising may have a negative, intended or unintended, influence on children. Children can be exploited more easily if they do not understand the difference between TV programming and commercials. Adverts can also increase parent-child conflict and lead to unhappier children.

    If we look into health care diseases, we can identify gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, constipate and in diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol further the cancers. Insufficient intake of vitamin can cause for several diseases such as Rickets, Beriberi, Pellagra. Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating contaminated food. It's not usually serious and most people get better within a few days without treatment. In most cases of food poisoning, the food is contaminated by bacteria, such as salmonella or Escherichia coli.
With the intervention of fast-food serval food habit issues have occurred. Over use of several nutrition such as sugar, LDL and HDL cholesterol, and some minerals causes for diabetes, hypertension as well as cancers. most of them are irreversible. Unhealthy foods make food poisoning and food infections.

    Gastritis is a group of diseases that cause inflammation of the lining of the stomach. Foods that may cause gastritis can differ from person to person, but in general, foods that can cause gastritis include beverages that contain alcohol or caffeine, spicy foods, foods that contain chocolate, foods high in fat.

    Once we talk about the food habit and the next generation healthcare, the following groups are the most vital groups. Pregnant woman, Lactating Mothers, Infant and Young Child, Pre-school and School Children, Adults and Elderly. It is needed to ensure following among those groups. Ensure appropriate and adequate nutrition and related services for all pregnant women throughout the pregnancy enabling a delivery of a healthy baby with an adequate birth weight. For lactating mothers, it should be ensured supportive family environment, services and regulatory safety nets to enable mothers to provide optimal care including exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and continuation of breast feeding for 2 years and beyond. Ensure a good foundation for all infants and young children during their early childhood years by providing optimal nutrition through provision of exclusive breast-feeding for 6 months followed by complementary feeding together with continued breast feeding for 2 years and beyond. All pre-school and primary school children should have access to adequate and safe nutrition, which will optimize their growth and development. Promote appropriate nutrition among adults and elderly to ensure prevention and control of nutrition related Non-Communicable Diseases.

    Government hospitals specially fin out the healthcare of pregnant mothers, infants, child and differently abled persons. The specific professions such as public health inspector, midwife, food nutritionists are appointed to maintain better healthcare service.

    Government conducts several programs to maintain better growth and reduce the malnutrition by introducing the programs like “Triposha program”. The clinical services functioning all over the country even in the rural areas.

    Finally, we can keep good food habits by eating a variety of foods every day, eating plenty of vegetables and fruits, eating pulses, fish, dried fish, eggs, poultry and lean meat, consume milk or milk products daily, limiting salt intake and use only iodized salt, consuming less sugar, sweets or sweetened drinks, drinking plenty of water, maintain a healthy body weight through a balanced food intake and regular physical activity, start complementary feeding at the completion of 6 months, eating clean and safe foods, eating natural foods in preference to processed foods, including food and nutrition education as the compulsory subject in school curriculum. This will give students practical experience on the food preparation and cooking component which help them to make their life easier. Further, the theoretical knowledge regarding nutrition will assist these children to make selection of nutritious food and deny food those cause health hazards.

Fast fooods

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