Effects of Environmental Pollution.

    Environmental pollution is comprised of two terms: environment and pollution. Simply put, the environment is everything that exists, everything that impacts and influences the survival, growth, and evolution of organisms. Pollution is defined as the presence of hazardous artificial components that disrupt the environment and provide health risks to humans and animals.

    The environmental pollution is defined as the process of introducing of different harmful pollutants into environment that makes the environment unhealthy to live in for both humans and other living beings. In an elementary understanding, environmental pollution is a situation when the natural environment is unable to process the changes that are being brought about by human activities. In other words, environmental pollution is a situation when the harmful effects are due to the changes being brought about in the normal course of things by human activities.

    Environmental pollution is happening in many parts of the world, especially in the form of air and water pollution. It can be seen in popular cities around all over the world. When human population increases their requirements increase and products the use increase. As a result of over consumption harmful gases and waste materials are released to atmosphere, water and land. This action takes place automatically without concern of our general knowledge.

    There are basically three kinds of environmental pollution, those are Air, Water and Soil pollution.
  • Air Pollution occur due to, strong air pollutants like Nitrogen dioxide, Sulphur dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Ozone, airborne particles and volatile organic compounds.
  • Water Pollution occur due to, strong water pollutants like insecticides, pollutants from livestock operations, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), food processing waste and chemical waste.
  • Soil Pollution occur due to, strong soil pollutants like hydrocarbons, solvents, and heavy metals.
    Among all of the above, the most damaging pollutants are fossil fuels and have been one of the most significant contributing factors to the global environmental pollution problem of the time. The evil effects of fossil fuels are that this cause air pollution and their presence in products like plastics, solvents, lubricating oils, detergents, and chemicals for industrial use cause soil pollution. Not only that, they also cause water pollution. Many developed countries have introduced certain laws to not only regulate various types of pollution but also the laws to mitigate the adverse effects of pollution. Pollution levels need to be controlled all the time if we want to keep our environment safe and healthy. Without proper pollution control, environment soon becomes unhealthy.

    Then, question is how to protect environment from pollution? The answer is preventing introduction of pollutants into environment is the best way to protect environment from pollution. Pollution cannot be seen or felt, but its effects are evident on the earth & the biodiversity. Global warming, increase in sea level, extinction of species, scarcity of drinking water, decrease in air quality, acid rain are few major impacts which are posing a threat to the existence of human life on earth. To sum it up, all types of pollution’s are detrimental to the planet & comes with terrible consequences.

    All of us must take steps to bring the changes in industries to the individual level. A joint effort by the government & the citizens will curb the situation from getting worse. So let us make a stand for our mother earth & listen to its pains to save it from the upcoming global calamities.

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