Showing posts from 2021

Importance of Learning History

History is the key to the future. If we imagine that the future is next to a door you have to open the door with a key …

Thamara's Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an Island. There should be a coastal railway along coastal line around the Island. There’s a coastal highw…

The Broken Key

It was a Tuesday and I got late to reach my work place. As soon as I reached the workplace I rushed to the receptionist…

The True Story of Fishmonger

I noticed a new fishmonger in our hometown one morning the other day. He was wearing a blue and white striped sarong wit…

A Friend Met After a Long Time

We left our school in 2014 having completed our advanced level examination successfully. I straight away found a j…

Navigation in Coral Region

Corals are living organisms which they grow live and die. Corals required sunlight, clear water, warm water temperatu…

Conventional Propellers

Handling of one ship may be very different from another ship. Good knowledge of seamanship and experience increase the …

Time System

Time and day      A period of duration measured by the apparent movement of celestial bodies about the earth.  Period of t…

Marine Sextant

Sextant is called so, its graduated arc is about one sixth of a circle. Principle – If a ray of light reflected twice of in …

Alphabetical Flags & Meanings

Flag Naval Meaning International Meaning A Affirmative I’ve a diver down keep well clear at slow speed B Gunner…

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